July 17, 2018

Savage Dragon issue #235 and the Cover for #241

Posted by Stefan Kalscheid in News | Previewsno comments

Issue #235 of Savage Dragon came out almost a week ago and if you still haven’t picked up your issue and can’t wait to find out more about Buffalo Stu you can buy a digital edition over at Image Comics or Comixology. Hint: Image Comics offers a couple of preview pages…

Preview Pages for Savage Dragon #235

Erik also posted the cover for Savage Dragon #241 on Facebook…

Cover Savage Dragon #241

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In review: Savage Dragon #232

Posted by Stefan Kalscheid in News | Reviewsno comments

Savage Dragon #232 came out in march 2018.

It is the second issue with Ferran Delgado as letterer and it is the second time he added letters to the cover!

The book had originally been solicited without the copy on the cover but Erik often keeps reworking his covers until the last possible minute and it seems he is aiming for a more classic comic book look.

More cool cover copy by Ferran Delgado. Something about cover makes a comic book look like a comic book. It’s weird to poke through the bundles of books I get from Image and see my book amidst all the others. It’s like–“how did this COMIC BOOK get in here?”

This also shows in the return of classic title pages. Readers may remember that Erik frequently used them during his “Savage World” storyline where he was emulating the look of classic comics of the silver and golden age.

And now titles are making a comeback and Ferran Delgado letters on them look amazing!

As of Savage Dragon #232 I’ve returned to titles and credits. I do love the way these things look but I have a bear of a time actually coming up with titles for stories.

Oh, and here is an initial design for the Wraith that Erik eventually dropped because “he was too Kirbyesque for the part”. Who knows though — maybe we’ll see a character like that down the line in some other context. He looks way to cool to disappear in some drawer.

Reviews of Savage Dragon #232

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April 22, 2018

Savage Dragon Wiki gets a new home

Posted by Stefan Kalscheid in News | Website2 comments

Hey guys!

Savage Dragon Wiki LogoSome of you have already heard the news that Wikispaces is shutting down its service. This means that the current Savage Dragon Wiki will be shut down and gone by the end of July. I just wanted to give you a quick update about the future of the Wiki…

Exporting the Savage Dragon Wiki

In the last couple of weeks, we have been trying to find a solution to save all the current data onto some new wiki platform. Unfortunately, it’s not easy. There are a lot of different wiki “languages” – all using their own kind of formatting. And while it’s easy to export and import data within one system it get’s really unpleasant if you try to take data from (in this case) Wikispaces to – for example – MediaWiki. Unpleasant meaning it simply doesn’t work. Unless you know what you are doing and fiddle with the exported code on 1300+ files…
example of wiki source code

The solution for now

In order to at least save everything before it’s gone I made a complete standalone copy of the whole shebang and put it in its new place: wiki.savagedragon.com. So once Wikispaces is gone the Savage Dragon Wiki will be part of the Official Savage Dragon website which I think makes a lot of sense.

The problem

Right now our backup of the Savage Dragon Wiki is classic static HTML which means it’s harder to maintain and edit. It’s not impossible, but definitely not as easy as before.

The goal

Eventually, the Wiki will get a new editing system that’ll allow easy access for all who wish to participate. Whether it’s a real wiki software or simply a huge WordPress page has to be determined.

In short

The Wiki is safe and secure and has a new home but it might take some time before it’s a real Wiki again.

I’ll keep you up to date
Stay tuned


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April 10, 2018

In review: Savage Dragon #231

Posted by Stefan Kalscheid in News | Reviewsno comments

I’m very late with this so I’ll make it quick. Savage Dragon was the first issue with Ferran Delgado as the new letterer so let’s all give him a warm welcome.

I think he did an amazing job on the book, I love the sound effects and I thought it was nice that he left his first mark right there on the cover.

The cover was originally solicited without the typo on it but I think it’s a nice change and it looks super cool. I’m sure Erik and Ferran will need some time to adjust their workflow, but the end result looks great already and I’m sure it will become even better once the two of them get into a groove.

Reviews of Savage Dragon #231

Here are the usual suspects with their reviews and whatnot. Make sure you listen to the podcast – it features Erratic Erik himself!


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