November 14, 2017
Savage Dragon #231 Cover
We still don’t have a solicitation text for #231, but Erik postet this sweet Savage Dragon #231 Cover preview on Facebook. It seems like this new character doesn’t even break a sweat kicking Malcolm’s ass. Asked where he found the inspiration for this “lovely ass kicker” Erik answered: “Manga and sex dolls”. The Savage Fincast talked about this as well, explaining the concept of “magical girls”. Check out their latest podcast around the 8:00 minute mark.
The cover is a real head-turner as you try to figure out the perspective. Erik commented on this as well:
I briefly considered putting the logo on landscape to emphasize that. But it created a lot of weird tangents and wouldn’t have worked well on a newsstand.

Erik dismissed the idea of putting this out as a variant but it’s still an interesting idea and a nice insight into Erik’s creative process. We’ll keep you updated on this as soon as we know more…
I’d love to to see it in this orientation as a wrap-around cover.
That’s actually a cool idea and it could eliminate the problems with the logo placement…